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BBQ (Bus Bar Quench) is a 1D quench propagation simulation tool. One could choose to include heat exchange with helium bath, so in this case the tool is closer to 1D+1D simulation tool. We have two tools for this type of simulation as detailed below.

BBQ (Comsol based tool)

BBQ Documentation

BBQ manual

BBQ References

[1] M. Mentink et al., “Quench Behavior of the HL-LHC Twin Aperture Orbit Correctors”, IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond. 28, p 4004806 (2018). [2] STEAM: Simulation of Transient Effects in Accelerator Magnets,

BBQ Source code

The tool is a Comsol model itself. Each model can be saved as .java file and this becomes the source code of the model.

PyBBQ (Python based tool)

PyBBQ Documentation

pyBBQ documentation

PyBBQ Source code

pyBBQ GitLab repository (restricted)

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